Adult ADD - A "Disorder" or a Secret of Success?

Are You The Next Rebel Billionaire?
Richard Branson – the rebel self-made billionaire of Virgin – obviously is a DaVinci type entrepreneur. This temperament makes him a risk taker, a thrill seeker, and a rebel, but most of all it makes him a brilliant entrepreneur. This has helped him build an empire out of the Virgin brand. Do you have a similar opportunity?
(Did you know? Bill Gates' appetite for risk has made him infamous for driving his Porsche recklessly fast, and he has felt such affinity with Leonardo da Vinci that he bought one of his notebooks for $30 Million. “I've been fascinated by Da Vinci's work since I was 10," confesses Gates.)
Discover the Secret Power of Your
DaVinci Type Personality.
All of the great entrepreneurs listed above know the secret to their Davinci type personality. That's what has allowed them to become wildly successful. DaVinci type entrepreneurs either tend to be phenomenally successful or they crash and burn. Sorry, but there's not much middle ground for your personality type.
Remember virtually all wildly successful entrepreneurs have the DaVinci type personality trait – the only difference between all of them and you is that they intuitively know how to use the secret strengths that come with their DaVinci temperament, and maybe you don't. … That is, until now …
The secret to your success as a DaVinci type entrepreneur involves minimizing common neurotic expressions of your personality, such as:
- Procrastination
- Distractibility
- Irritability
- Addiction
- Listlessness & Depression
- Feeling like a Fraud
- Fear of Success
In order to avoid these negative side effects and enjoy the incredible capacity you share with the highest achievers in the world, you must know how to manage your uniquely powerful personality type.
The DaVinci Method details how you can leverage your personality type the same way all great entrepreneurs have, leading to health, wealth and happiness. Because of your DaVinci type personality, you are capable of amazing genius and ingenuity, but first you have to learn how to get out of your own way.
Now is the time to learn how to use your great power to your advantage. Discover how in The DaVinci Method ...
According to the new book The DaVinci Method, the symptoms of Adult ADD are really the symptoms of abundant energy and creativity. The author, Garret LoPorto, points out that the vast majority of wildly successful entrepreneurs, great leaders, innovators, artists and trail-blazers, all have the “symptoms” of adult ADD.While explaining the genetic cause of ADD/ADHD, the author gives great insight into the so called “disorder” and how it can be used as a strength in many situations.
According to the author, “The human genome project says ADD/ADHD is genetic. While only about 10% of the general population has this gene most of the self made rich and famous have the ADD/ADHD gene. Now why is it so that ADD/ADHD helps some people to be extremely successful while most others keep struggling just to survive?” The author gives away some startling secrets used by extremely successful people with Adult ADD – People like David Neeleman, the CEO of Jet Blue and Steve Jobs founder of Pixar and Apple.
While most ADD/ADHD therapies try to force people to become more "normal", we need to realize the immense potential that one possesses being ADD/ADHD. The ADD/ADHD gene affects the brain's relationship with dopamine. This difference causes one to crave stimulation, which is achieved through doing things in different way. To satisfy their need for stimulation people take risks, seeks thrill, and becomes bolder. This temperament that comes from the ADD/ADHD gene is similar to the temperament that makes rock stars, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, leaders and billionaires.
It is imperative for rock stars to be thrill-seeking but how does it help someone to be a billionaire? Well, we all know the key to getting rich is taking risks and the ADD/ADHD gene stimulates a man to take risks. So it is the ADD/ADHD gene that prompts to take the necessary action, which is required for one to be successful. The book goes on with many other insightful explanations and ways How ADD/ADHD can be used to get positive results.
Unfortunately, in our society many very creative and talented people are being labeled “disordered” with ADD/ADHD. These are the pioneers of our population – the ones who have the greatest potential to find the cure to cancer, start the next Microsoft, become a great political leader, a great artist or even a rock star.
In attempt to be normal, often people with ADD/ADHD suppress their greatest gift. Why should you struggle to be a 9-to-5-office worker while you have the potential to be the next Bill Gates?
The Author also described the special conditions that are required to unlock the genius behind the ADD/ADHD and these are neither taught nor encouraged in our society. Conditions that bring out the brilliance of those with Adult ADD are often disturbing to the "normal" population because most people lack the energy and creativity required to appreciate this different approach to life.
The only difference between a successful entrepreneur, leader, rock star or artist with ADD/ADHD and another person struggling to get along with his ADD/ADHD traits is that the former have intuitively discovered the secret strength of their temperament and used it to their full potential while the later is trying to get away from it and be a "normal” person. But should that be the way?
After reading The DaVinci Method I am convinced it’s definitely not. Now I am sure that The DaVinci Method will help so many people on their journey from "disordered" to greatness – the same journey that has been traveled by people like Einstein, Edison, Disney, Churchill, Da Vinci, and Richard Branson – Would you like to take this journey too? Then check out the greatest book I’ve read in years, The DaVinci Method.
This article is written by Ray Smith, a marketing expert with years of experience in different industries and specialized knowledge on branding and Internet marketing.
Are You a "Renaissance Man"?
How does your personality relate to the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci? Da Vinci – arguably the greatest artist & inventor ever – clearly was a risk taker and was great at starting projects (sometimes not so good at finishing them), but he used his temperament to propel himself to greatness. You can too. How did he do it? He knew the secret. Keep reading …
Did you know that Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein were ridiculed by their grade-school teachers as “problem students” because of their DaVinci type personalities? What saved these men can save you too. What made them great can do the same for you.
Did you know the first great American Entrepreneur, Benjamin Franklin was probably very similar in temperament to you?
Take the same journey from struggling to greatness taken by Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney and all the other great creators and thought leaders who had the DaVinci temperament, just like you.
Are You a Great Leader at Heart?
What makes great leaders is the ability to connect with people and the ability to constantly adapt in order to be leading in the most relevant way for each moment.
Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. and all had the DaVinci temperament. Great politicians and charismatic leaders all tend to have the DaVinci personality type.
What's the difference between all of these people who have used their DaVinci temperament to succeed, and the rest who have this temperament, but just crash and burn and struggle?
n The DaVinci Method you will learn:
- How to set your mind free and discover your true calling.
- The Habits of Rebel Billionaires – Learn the habits the rebel billionaires use to make their DaVinci temperament work for them – not against them. (These habits are not well known because they don't work for average people – only those with the DaVinci temperament have the energetic capacity necessary for these habits to work.)
- Why the DaVinci temperament can make you afraid to succeed and how to eliminate that fear.
- The difference between your DaVinci type brainwave predisposition and other people's. Once you know how to use this information you'll be able to tap a level of genius very few people have access to.
- How substances affect your mind differently than other people. What foods and substances will help people with DaVinci type personalities and what foods and substances will stifle your brilliance. Hint: Stimulants like caffeine can make you ineffective – we'll tell you how and why.
- The 2 ways to handle your impulses – one way will make you crazy – the other way will make you brilliant.
- Why you procrastinate – how to understand it and how to make it work for you.
- From Repressed to Prolific Genius: How to release your DaVinci mind to think the way Leonardo Da Vinci's did – prolifically, without boundaries – in brilliance.
- Your unique DaVinci power of hyper-focus – a superhuman ability you were born with, how to harness this amazing strength to crush any challenge.
- Why the DaVinci temperament often leads to compulsive behavior & addiction – how to avoid this and how to heal it.
- The mysterious “sixth sense” that comes with the DaVinci temperament and how to tap into it.
Why is your personality called "the DaVinci type"?
Because you have the same personality type and temperament as the great Leonardo da Vinci. Some of the similarities include:
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