Constipation Relief With Fruits Part III
Here’s another group of fruits that you can use to get constipation relief. Use these every day for desert or in between meal. Use more than normal to get rid of constipation.
Figs and Dates
Figs are high in fiber and can provide a gentle action on your colon when you have been constipated. This action can take about 24 hours before it takes place. Figs aid in digestion and provide a high level of fiber and minerals, They also provide a natural source of serotonin.
The use of figs and dates combined can have a stronger action on your colon. Here’s a source for fig syrup that I found:
Grapes have a good laxative action. Eat 1-2 lbs of grapes though out the day and reduce the amount of food you eat during the day. Eat more vegetables and other fruits. Reduce the amount of processed foods you eat.
Grapes are high in vitamins and minerals. They have good fiber content and are especially high in manganese.
Since they are high in sugar, bugs are attracted to them. This causes farmers to spray them with pesticides. Try to find them at the farmers market as organic or not sprayed.
Papaya is well known for its enzyme papain. Its minerals help reduce cell waste and eliminate stomach and colon mucus. You can add papaya to your smoothies or eat them in between meals.
Persimmons are as good as apples and maybe even better for your heart. They are high in fiber, minerals - sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and manganese - and phenolic compounds, which are anti-oxidants. The persimmon skin is also high in fiber but I find the skin hard to eat. You may like it.
Eat 2-3 persimmons each day, if they are available. They help to keep you get constipation relief.
Fresh plums are filled with minerals and have a mild laxative effect. They can relieve gas and have a cleansing effect on your intestines.
Prunes are dried plums. Eat both for their natural laxative effect. Prunes are more effective than plums for constipation. Buy a bag of dried prunes and eat them throughout the day. Aside from this laxative effect, prunes are high in iron.
Raspberries are high in vitamins A and C. They are high in magnesium, calcium, and iron. They are helpful in clearing constipation.
Experiment with the different fruits listed here. Eat them at different times and eat different quantities. Prepare them in different ways or buy them in different forms. Using these fruits consistently will give you constipation relief.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid e-books. He writes a newsletter called and his information on other topics can be seen at or at
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