How to Use Natural Remedies for Ulcers Caused by Helicobacter Pylori
One of the bacteria that live in your mouth and cause gingivitis is the helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. This bacterium is transmitted by kissing. Everyone have this bacterium in his or her mouth and stomach. You mostly likely got this when you were a youngster and were kissed by your parents and all kinds of relatives.
When these bacteria enter your stomach and small intestine, they wait for an opportunity to multiple. When you eat junk food, overeat, mix foods incorrectly, use NASID’s or have continual stress, excess stomach acid is created. This weakens the stomach lining and gives H. pylori a chance to imbed into these weak areas and multiple.
So, how to do you use natural remedies to relieve a stomach ulcer? There are to two proven methods to do this. First you can use Mastic Gum. In a recent issue of Life Enhancement Ezine, this story appeared,
“My daughter was diagnosed with H. pylori. When her doctor insisted on giving her antibiotics, she declined, and the doctor thought she was foolish for doing so. Instead, my daughter went on a Bye-Lori II regimen. After 4 weeks, she was tested again, and her H. pylori levels had plummeted, showing a 50% decrease in the pathogen. Needless to say, her doctor was amazed. Mariann Hardington, Ontario” Bye-lori II is product that contains mastic gum. Pure mastic gum capsules are available. Mastic gum, a resin, comes from the sap of the mastic tree in the Mediterranean. Mastic gum’s action in the stomach or intestines is to kill the H. pyloric bacteria and to reduce and heal the ulcer inflammation.
Second you can use Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice or DLG. DLG is a natural product made from the herb licorice root. Researchers have found DLG just as effective in treating ulcer as using the drugs Tagament, Zantac, Prilosec, or Prevacid. DLG stimulates release of secretin, which protects the lining of the stomach or intestines. In the past, antacids were used to self-treat ulcers. Because antacids have excess sodium, aluminum, side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, and raise stomach acid, it is best not to use them. DLG comes in tablets that should be chewed or dissolved in the mouth. DGL is activated by saliva to produce chemicals that help to regenerate cells in inflamed areas of your stomach and intestines.
Typical use for DLG is 750 to 1500 mg taken 30 minutes before meals. Use for around 7 – 15 weeks/.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He also write a newsletter called Natural Remedies For more information on his writings go to
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